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artigo the 3 types of cloud computing you will benefit from

The 3 Types Of Cloud Computing You Will Benefit From

This article was originally published in

You’re probably no stranger to the “Cloud”. It serves you in your daily life and you probably don’t realize it. It also has tremendous benefits for your business. In this article, we dive deep into the benefits and risks of using cloud computing. It’s also important to comprehend the 3 main types of cloud computing, which are IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Once you can easily differentiate these, you’ll be able to choose which one your business will benefit from.

What is cloud computing?

First of all, imagine moving all your computer hardware, software, database, and other from your physical office to a more secure site and have them delivered to you via the internet – This is Cloud Computing. Nowadays, almost everyone is using one in one way or the other. A cloud-based application or service, like Dropbox, Netflix, Instagram, are all forms of cloud computing.

How your business can gain from using it?

Of course,there are many benefits to using cloud computing, but there are some risks too. We listed the main ones:

Benefits Risks
Faster Deployment
There’s no wait for computing resources.
Require trusting a cloud platform provider
For availability and data security
Usage-based pricing
Letting you pay only for what you use
Can raise legal/ regulatory concerns
With storing data outside customer premises
Less financial risk
With lower up-front investment in hardware and software
Can be harder to integrate
With on-premises software
Reduced need for on-premises resources
Such as servers and IT staff
Can have lower performance
Than on-premises platforms
Easier upgrades
With no on-premises software to update
Can give developers less control
Than on-premises platforms

Resource distribution:

It allows multiple users to share the same resources. Regardless of the location, you can remotely access the resource pool via the internet. Dropbox, used for sharing files, is a good example.

Accessible via the Internet:

Services rendered by the cloud provider must be available over the internet. So if you have internet access, you will be able to use the services.

Available on demand:

You should be able to access the services whenever you want. For example, you can Netflix anywhere without restriction. If you are hosting your data in a remote location, the hosting provider must guarantee the availability of your data 99.9% of the time.


Flexibility is one of the most important benefits for a business. Increase or decrease the resources according to your needs without encountering a decline in user experience.


Cloud computing should provide you with some analytics on resource allocation, usages, and activity logs. The information will help you make proactive decisions when necessary.

Furthermore, we have listed the main differences between the 3 types of cloud computing: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

In the first place, infrastructure refers to the computers and the servers that run code, store the data. It also includes all the wires and appliances that make the connections between these machines. You’ve probably heard the words “hard drives”, “routers,” before. They’re all part of the infrastructure. Before the technology of cloud computing, everything was based on these. Infrastructure as a Service, are well known for being self-service models. Nowadays, with IaaS, you can access, monitor, manage all your data virtually instead of owning hardware.

In addition, Iaas allows businesses to buy an infrastructure based on their needs, like consumption, storage, etc. The downside to an IaaS is that you probably still need an IT team since these types of software don’t come with applications or an operating system. It only gives you access to the infrastructure needed for power or storage.

The most common IaaS are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Compute Engine.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

On the contrary, Platform-as-a-Service provides a little more assistance when it comes to managing different applications. In fact, the biggest advantage of using a PaaS is that there’s no need to spend your resources on building and maintaining the infrastructure. According to Gartner, PaaS let enterprises analyze their data to find business insights and patterns of behavior, so they can make better decisions and more accurately predict future events such as market demand for products,

AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Heroku,, Google App Engine, Apache Stratos, OpenShift, are all PaaS that are commercially available.

Software as a Service (Saas)

Finally, also known as “Cloud Applications Services”, Software as a Service is the most popular out there. The majority of SaaS can be used on your browser without any download or installation. Most importantly, everything is managed by the providers, which makes it user-friendly. There’s a lot of advantages to using SaaS:

  • Users can access their data from anywhere, as long as they have an Internet connection. Furthermore, your data is stored in the cloud, so you won’t lose any of it, it’s backed up and secure.
  • Since the majority of SaaS are subscription-based services, you pay for your needs and it’s easily adjustable.
  • You don’t need an IT team to run the software. Since you can run it in your browser, there’s no need to install plug-ins or deploy more resources.
  • Software are created to manage your tasks, clients, finances, and projects efficiently. In fact, it can improve your workload immensely.

As a matter of fact, your business is probably using some SaaS. Our favorites virtual collaboration tools help us to be more productive as a remote team.


Why would you need cloud computing?

To sum it up, it can be confusing knowing what your workplace needs. In order to help you understand this world of cloud computing, we created a glossary where you’ll find plenty of helpful definitions.

Lastly, to figure out which out of the 3 types of cloud computing would work best for your needs, it’s important to know what your end-goal is. Here are some common questions you could ask yourself.

  • Are you anxious about the growing Security, Backups & Regulatory Compliance risk?
  • Do you need to ensure a remote work method for your employee without worrying about compatibility (or data theft)?
  • You want to decrease the device and software expenses? You don’t want to tie up capital with hardware and software, or continuously pay for upgrades.
  • Is your IT department too expensive to keep?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you probably need a cloud desktop. V2 Cloud offers highly secured data storage. V2 Cloud can also be accessed by any modern device that is connected to the internet, anywhere in the world.


Additionally, V2 Cloud-hosted desktops allow you to pay for only what you need. It converts your capital expenditure on equipment and software upgrades into a monthly operating cost. You get the best IT infrastructure and maintenance services for a fraction of the price. You will significantly reduce your expenses on an IT department by moving your entire infrastructure to a fully managed, cloud-hosted environment.

Cloud computing, if done right, takes away a lot of IT headaches from your day-to-day business. With a customer service that provides constant support, V2 Cloud has everything to help you start your journey.

Get the best of cloud computing with 2iBi Primavera Cloud

With 2iBi Primavera Cloud®, your company will never have to worry about servers, backups, power disruptions, or hardware failures again.

✔ Available anywhere
✔ Simple and quick migration from your current Primavera Software and keeping all the features and configurations
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If you want to know more and book a free live demo of 2iBi Primavera Cloud®, click here

Frederik Veyrie

Growth Marketer at V2 Cloud